Blake Watanabe


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Fall, 2025. I'm working towards becoming a Software Developer, but also looking to see what else the tech industry has to offer.

Interests: Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security


UH RepCompanion 2024

This was the final project for ICS-314 where we worked in groups to experience the process of deploying a website from start to finish.

Website Group Project JavaScript Bootstrap React Meteor MongoDB

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MonkeyPod 2017 - 2020

Having experience as an Expo in a restaurant has taught me many skills that will be useful throughout my career.

Organization Cooperation Communication

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Camp Pālehua 2016 - 2018

Assited in cooking meals for people staying staying at Camp Pālehua for a summer program.

Cooperation Flexibility Communication

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Judo 2015 - 2016

Our team won many state championships in different weight classes in 2015 and 2016.

Martial Arts Teamwork Self-Improvement

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Goodbye, ICS 314!

10 May 2024

Introduction With my spring 2024 semester at UH Manoa coming to an end, so does my experience and time with ICS-314. And now looking back, I was able to expand what I’ve learned in previous courses and apply them to...

ICS 314 Reflection Software Engineering

Error 404: AI Experience Page Not Found

07 May 2024

I. Introduction So, when it comes to my experiences of incorporating AI into my studies and/or learning process, it’s the same way I feel whenever I see how popular it is to take notes on tablets instead of using notepaper....

AI Reflection Software Engineering

Design Patterns! NOT Design Patterns!

25 Apr 2024

“The Realization” I would like to start off by stating that during my Spring 2024 semester at UH Manoa, I’m one of those people whos been using design patterns and not realizing that we have been using design patterns all...

Software Development Design Patterns

Sour. Sweet. Not Gone.

22 Feb 2024

“First they’re sour.” Do you remember the Sour Patch Kids commercials, where the Sour Patch Kids start off with doing something bad/mean to a person, but then later, they start to apologize or be nice to make up for their...

HTML CSS UI Frameworks

Languages Will Be Languages

08 Feb 2024

Language = Language I like to think of programming being another type of “language”. I mean, I guess that’s why they call things like JavaScript, C++, Python, etc. programming “languages”. I may have stated the obvious, but the learning process...

ESLint IntelliJ Coding Standards

Don't be That Person

25 Jan 2024

How do I type this essay? We all know the answer to the question “Is there such a thing called a bad question?”. Ignoring the bad question in the header, I’ll be honest and admit that I have asked probably...

Smart Questions

See all 8 essays